Sunday, July 20, 2014

Starting Over- A Very Good Place to Start

Yes it has been a long time, well over a couple of years since my last post and I hope to change that starting now.

Since my last post the writing stopped with the death of my mom.  Words just wouldn't come, and those I tried to force seemed empty and meaningless.  I was close to quitting it all convinced I couldn't write anymore.  At the time I wondered if I ever did have any talent or promise.  Sure my friends enjoyed the stories I shared with them, but I could never get anyone else to consider my work for publishing.

Some dream are just that, dreams that in the morning light fade away.

But then a surprising thing happened.  Lindy Moon (more on her later) invited me to submit a story for an anthology she was putting together that would be published in October 2014.  I read her email and the voices in my head listed every reason I should decline her offer.  I had all the right excuses- I was busy at work, I couldn't write anymore (and when I could write I wasn't good), and I didn't want to disappoint her, or myself, at the disaster of my attempt to write a short story.

But a small voice supported the dream and didn't want it to die.  I told Lindy I would love to write something for the anthology.

That was last September.  Today I and going back and forth with Lindy on the last few edits and all that will be left is waiting for the anthology to come out.

So to restart this blog I intend to go over what I have learned over this past year, both about myself and my writing.  And by the way, the title of the anthology is "For Whom the Bell Trolls"

More very soon.

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